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Uses 0 and 1 tick methods for herblore. If you're looking for standard herblore check out MaxiHerblore on the bot store
Minimum of 15 herblore for serums or 70+ for the rest is required
Requires Direct...
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Supports Amulet of chemistry
Herb cleaning - Direct Input supported. Must be enabled in the RuneMate settings and in the activity
Guam leaf
Ranarr weed
Irit leaf...
Just a suggestion and a very welcome script for high levelled players.
Game Mode: OSRS
Link to wiki: General info: Zulrah / Strategy: Zulrah/Strategies /
Moneymaking strat: Money making guide/Killing Zulrah
Summary: Zulrah is a level 725 solo boss. The only way to get out of Zulrah's shrine is...