Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet
Enhanced weapon seeds for everyone!
Cuppa Agility AIO
Parkour like it's the 2000s!
Cuppa Guardians of the Rift
Guard the rift, seal the abyss!
Cuppa Motherlode Mine
The only MLM you can trust.
Cuppa Forestry Woodcutter
The Freaky Forester will never know what hit him.
Cuppa Hunter AIO
Apex hunter, leaving gathering for the weak.
Cuppa Tempoross
Man the harpoon(fish)!
Cuppa Pickpocket
Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?
Cuppa Miner AIO
Mine like a super dwarf!
Cuppa Mixology
Mixology, the study of Mixo? It's first grade!
Cuppa Varlamore House Thief
Making burglary fun and easy!
Cuppa Scurrius
Exterminate the Rat King!
Cuppa Moons of Peril
Moonwalk through the peril!
Cuppa Brimhaven Agility Arena
Tickets, please!
Cuppa Smelter AIO
Forge your own destiny.
Cuppa Shopper AIO
Like your wife took the credit card to the mall.
Cuppa Stall Thief [BETA]
Look at all this free stuff laying around!
Cuppa Karambwans
Capture some bwans, bwana.
Cuppa Smither AIO
Infinite pointy metal things!
Cuppa Minnows
Something smells a little fishy.