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This is the Lite version of the bot, which will stop botting after 15 minutes. If you'd like a longer session, please use the PRO version.

Bank a variety of trees in several locations. Full OSRS support(upgrades axe at lvl milestone).

This bot will have several updates applied to it overtime to make it better.
Expect more Tree types and locations to be supported.

Please leave any feedback and advice below :)


General Features:
  • Bird's Nest pickup
  • Bank/Chop in several locations
  • PowerChopping (temp disabled)
  • Human-like Anti-Ban
  • More info below...


-IF RS3:

    • Start bot with an axe attached to your toolbelt
    • Have your player in the tree or bank area that you'd like to chop at
    • Select the Tree and Location in GUI
    • Press Start

    • Start bot with an axe attached to your toolbelt
    • Have your player with the tree you'd like to chop around the player
    • Select the tree and drop method in the GUI
    • Press Start


    • Start Bot withing the tree or bank area
    • If you start the bot without an axe equipped or in inventory, the bot will go to your bank and withdraw the highest level axe you can use. If you have the attack level to wield the axe, the bot will equip it.
    • Select the Tree and Location in GUI
    • Press Start

------ Note: In OSRS Banking mode, it is recommended that you have all types of Axes in the bank if you're below level 61. At each milestone level the bot will attempt to go back to the bank and 'upgrade' to the better axe if one is found in the bank.

    • Start your bot with an axe in your inventory or wielded
    • Have your player with the tree you'd like to chop around the player
    • Select the tree and drop method in the GUI
    • Press Start

Use at your own discretion.



Bank/Tree Locations:
  • Draynor
  • Catherby (Includes updated RS3 location)
  • Varrock
  • Seers
  • Falador
  • G.E.
  • More locations coming soon...

Trees Supported:
  • Evergreen (Normal Logs)
  • Tree (Normal Logs)
  • Oak
  • Willow
  • Maple (Premium)
  • Yew (Premium)
  • Magic (Premium)
  • And more to come...

  • Supports various dropping methods...
    • C1D1
      • After every cut, drop the log
      • Cut 1 Drop 1 (C1D1)
    • Random
      • At a random number (1-28) when Inventory count goes above that threshold, it will trigger the drop event
      • The number is reset to another random number after each drop even trigger (#OP)
    • Full Drop
      • Drop even triggered once inventory is full
  • Custom made SudoInventory class
    • Handles dropping logic for an improved and incredibly fast dropping method

Full OSRS Support:
  • Equipment Awareness
    • Bot will withdraw highest level axe from bank if not axe is found in inventory or equipped.
    • If axe is in inventory and player has the attack level to wield the axe, the bot will equip the axe
    • If Banking... At Woodcutting level milestones (6, 11, 21, 31, 41, 61) the bot will automatically upgrade to a better axe if the axe is found within the player's bank

  • Random Camera turns with Middle-Mouse click and Keyboard
  • Hover over random NPC within the area
  • Random delays to actions
  • Hover over random and future trees within chopping path
  • Upon level-up, bot will click on the skill as if the user was checking the new unlocks
  • Hover over random game objects within the area
  • Will right click on a random player within the area
  • Will hover over a random player within the area
  • Will hover over skill icon as if a player wanted to know their current XP or XP remaining


Future Updates:
  • Ivy Support
  • Improved walking
    • Ex. If bank booth is on the screen and we're running towards the bank area, click on the bank booth rather than a coordinate in the area.

Feel free to leave comments on features that you would like to see!

ApexChopper Update Archive:
V3.0.5 - 2/14/17:
- Renamed to ApexChopper
- Tree that the bot has seen are now stored for future decision
- Added location based tree traversal
- Improved traversal logic for areas where the bank and tree areas are fairly close
- Dat new logo :)

V3.0.4 - 2/4/17:
- Now updated for PRO and LITE versions
- Addressed bug where the bot breaks if user is above 60 woodcutting on OSRS
- Addressed bug for Catherby bank location in OSRS
- Addressed bug regarding the determination of a bank booth being around the playing
- "Falidor" typos have now been fixed with "Falador"

V2.1.2 - 11/2/16:
- Catherby bank location now works properly.

V2.1.1 - 9/1/2016:
- Updated Catherby bank location to new location after RuneScape update

V2.1.0 - 7/12/16:
- Updated and Improved GUI
- Improved overall logic
- Added PowerChopping support
--- "C1D1", "Random Drop", "Full Drop" drop methods are supported
--- Custom dropping method and logic using a new feature to the SudoAPI, SudoInventory. (it's fast)
--- Note: Must have axe in inventory is OSRS
- Added full OSRS support
--- Automatic Axe Upgrading & Retrieval
------ Bot will run to and check the bank at milestone levels (6, 11, 21, 31, 41, 61) for the new hatchet the bot can use
------ If bot is started without an Axe and is in Banking mode, the bot will run to the bank and withdraw the highest level axe that can be used
V2.0.4 - 5/20/16:
- Now using newest SudoAPI
- Updated GUI
- Advanced informative stat tracking
- Added global gross income tracking (GP and GP/Hour)

SudoBot Update 5/20/16:
- Keep a gross income of all items that enter and leave the player's inventory
- Keeps track of the player's skill stats and informative bot specific stats
- Now transfer stat information to info GUI in a cleaner way
- New GUI
- Stat and Bot information is now displayed through JavaFX TableView (collapsible)
- Informative stats and values populate in GUI dynamically
- Current Task and AntiBan Logs now display in ListViews (collapsible)
- New abstract InfoUIController to handle JavaFX functionality that is consistent between all SudoBots

V2.0.2 - 5/14/16:
- Complete Info GUI Rewrite on all SudoBots
- GUI is expandable with drop-down Titlebars
- Current Task is now displayed in a ListView (with max count of 20)
- AntiBan Task is now displayed in a ListView (with max count of 20)
- Each SudoBot has their corresponding name in an ImageView on the top now.

V2.0.1 - 5/1/16:
- Added additional animation support

V2.0.0 - 4/20/16:
- Updated for RuneMate Spectre
- Now using SudoBot, SudoTask, and SudoAPI
- Optimized overall logic in bot
- Improved interactions and traversals
- Updated to new GUI

v1.0.4 - 11/09/15:
- Updated interaction method to be more accurate
- Increased AntiBan timer per request

v1.0.3 - 10/29/15:
- Added Force Menu Interaction
- Modified calculations in Paint
- Improved logic in onLoop code
- Anti-Ban improvements
--- Anti-Ban is now set via timer rather than RNG
--- Improved detection method of gathering environmental actors and objects

v1.0.2 - 10/5/15:
- Added Evergreen support
- Fixed paint when in DarkScape mode

v1.0.1 - 10/5/15:
- Added a fix to an issue within the Java FX GUI
- Fixed interaction with Maple Trees
- Added .fxml to bot manifest resources

v1.0.0 - 10/3/15:
- Initial push to bot store

Known Bugs:
  • None!
  • What was your location?
  • What were you chopping?
  • RS3 or OSRS?
  • Give, in great details, exactly what happened. The more detail you give, the more likely I can help :)

Progress Reports:




First release
Last update
3.40 star(s) 15 ratings

More resources from proxi

Latest updates

  1. ApexChopper LITE v3.5.4 Released!

    ApexChopper LITE updated to v3.5.4.
  2. ApexChopper LITE v3.5.3 Released!

    ApexChopper LITE updated to v3.5.3.
  3. ApexChopper LITE v3.5.2 Released!

    ApexChopper LITE updated to v3.5.2.

Latest reviews

Bot worked great, I am perma banned now. I traveled to GE with my level 3 and then got forced out of the server. Lol I think botting with a level 3 is considered suicide. I did get my wc level from 47-60 in 2 days though. Banking was working great. I am now appealing and will see what happens.
Works but then goes to the bank and just sits there. Using this on RS3 Draynor Willows.
Never even started up for me.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Claims to pick up nests but have caught it leaving nests behind on 3 occasions for the 2 or 3 hours i had it running. Also do not know if its much of an issue but it has a lot of unnecessary clicks that it uses while chopping. ( always keeps clicking chop tree even while the account is chopping the same tree.) might make it easy for them to pick up and lead to a ban. Other than that it works and does most of its jobs it claims to.
So both points that caused you to rate this lower are intentional. If you're a legit player, you won't Always pick up every single bird's nest, there's times when you legitimately look over it, don't see it or something similar. As far as your second point, if it's spam clicking the tree, that's not intentional and you're probably using an animation that isn't supported by the bot. If it's sometimes clicking the tree while it's chopping, that IS intentional. If you're AFK chopping, one of the things a user may do to prevent from logging out is clicking on the current tree that they're chopping. People keep thinking this is a bug though, so I may take that out entirely.
Chopping OAK at Draynor south-east and banking walk to bank open bank but not closing the bank to go chop oak again
OSRS or RS3? Could you leave some more details in the discussion thread and I'll look into it? :)
so far so good, any 99 success story's ?
I personally have 3 accounts with 99 wc from this bot. No bans :)
Draynor willows seems to be having a banking issue, after the inventory is full of logs. it doesn't click to bank sometimes but just stands there it goes stuck on "opening bank" there is no "walking to bank". you can click map to bank yourself and then it opens bank, deposits, goes back and keeps going normally. otherwise i love this!
Been using this one for about 8 hours now (multiple sessions), worked flawlessly for the first about 4 hours i used it then i started noticing that it was getting stuck trying to bank the willows, was using Draynor bank.
Could you leave a commend in the thread with some more details? Was all sessions in Draynor? What do you mean by difficulty with banking the willows? It couldn't open the bank? Deposit the logs? What was the issue? Were you on osrs or rs3? Basically try to give me enough information where I can replicate it on my end.
cuts magic trees at seers village but when full inventory, just stays there not even going to bank but says its banking
This will be looked into this weekend :)
only chops 2 out of the 3 trees at the G.E. Then just stands there for a bit.