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Quantum Woodcutting
Welcome to the bot overview of Quantum Woodcutting! I have made this bot for two purposes and that is to offer a product that can't be surpassed on a quality level and to give the user exactly what they want. This bot origins from my old BChopper, then to Pi Chopper, Celestial Woodcutter and now Quantum Woodcutting.

I wrote this bot with a few simple guidelines and I plan to keep following those:

  1. Widely supported banking locations
  2. Both OSRS and RS3 support
  3. Custom chopping locations
If you're planning to use this bot and you need a location added that isn't supported yet, you can suggest the location on the bot discussion thread. If you want to suggest a location please use this form:

What location:
What logs:
Closest banking option:
Anything special:
Game type (OSRS/RS3):
If you have any questions, suggestions or errors to report, reply below!

Feel free to leave a review as well, but make sure to report bugs on the support thread, rather than leaving a bad review first so I have the opportunity to fix the issue. :)

This bot uses portions of the Prime Extension API
First release
Last update
3.89 star(s) 614 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Quantum Woodcutting Lite v2.0.10 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting Lite updated to v2.0.10.
  2. Quantum Woodcutting Lite v2.0.9 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting Lite updated to v2.0.9.
  3. Quantum Woodcutting Lite v2.0.8 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting Lite updated to v2.0.8.

Latest reviews

says 2 free hours but says iv used them dispite never using the bot before now.
Temp banned within 15 minutes. Members account, ~1,000 total level.
works great but says you get 2 hours free and it's only 1
why is there no birdnest bot?
really great bot i wish i could afford to use it. but i liked the interface, very smooth use. lots of options but kudos to clean interface fr
it doesnt bring my logs to the bank
Log this as bug, I can't help you with the generic statement
Add woodcutting guild maples please
banned 4 accounts.
does not bank after osrs new update