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Quantum Woodcutting
Welcome to the bot overview of Quantum Woodcutting! I have made this bot for two purposes and that is to offer a product that can't be surpassed on a quality level and to give the user exactly what they want. This bot origins from my old BChopper, then to Pi Chopper, Celestial Woodcutter and now Quantum Woodcutting.

I wrote this bot with a few simple guidelines and I plan to keep following those:

  1. Widely supported banking locations
  2. Both OSRS and RS3 support
  3. Custom chopping locations
If you're planning to use this bot and you need a location added that isn't supported yet, you can suggest the location on the bot discussion thread. If you want to suggest a location please use this form:

What location:
What logs:
Closest banking option:
Anything special:
Game type (OSRS/RS3):
If you have any questions, suggestions or errors to report, reply below!

Feel free to leave a review as well, but make sure to report bugs on the support thread, rather than leaving a bad review first so I have the opportunity to fix the issue. :)

This bot uses portions of the Prime Extension API
First release
Last update
4.04 star(s) 24 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Quantum Woodcutting v2.0.10 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting updated to v2.0.10.
  2. Quantum Woodcutting v2.0.9 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting updated to v2.0.9.
  3. Quantum Woodcutting v2.0.8 Released!

    Quantum Woodcutting updated to v2.0.8.

Latest reviews

idk man seems weird tbh it only drops a few logs when power chopping like it chops a full inv but only drops like 5 then continues that seems botty I as a human have always dropped all since the beginning of playing so not doing that seems botty it also drags on reaction time via level up screen imma still use it till 50 so far 1-38 so far so good no mess-ups besides what ive all ready typed: other then that I see no reason not to go 99 using this if I so choose
I used this bot for a good while now and it has been excellent.
the instant clicking after chopping down a tree sketches me out, people who woodcut are more afk, this bot instantly clicks a new tree when the one you're cutting falls, ran for 7 mins and shut it down didn't wanna risk, tho I see the other reviews are good.
Doesn't loot clue nests, otherwise OK.
Good feedback, I will add those :)
can you do a ivy option on varrock?
Pick powerchopping, and pick ivy. Start wherever you want....
Good script, works with banking flawlessly for long period
12 hours - 35K XP/H- F2P
however, the powerchopping with logs burning not working .
Sadly, burning the logs is RS3 only for now.
awesome script! does everything i want in wcing guild, would give a 5 but it does get stuck at the wcing guide bank. once i go to deposit my wood it puts it in bank and then just stands there with the bank open doing nothing until you manually close it up, then it goes to cut the wood again
I have this fixed but it is not yet online. :)
Used to work fine. But now it's broken since the update. You can't use any settings to use the bot.
The interface is broken, I start a instance and after that the setting wont load so I can set up the bot. Used to work fine but the new update broke it
Great bot up until 90 but doesn't have any support for Redwoods
But it does.