Scam Report Filed Against: I Dont Care
Thread URL on RuneMate Forums: OSRS - Selling Zulrah acc and 100cb acc w/ 99 crafting, 95 agility, 85 mining
Supporting Evidence: I have included various pictures. Gave login info so he could check acc out. Dropped all my untradeables. Luckily not that hard...
So I just created a new account to play OSRS on my phone, and was looking into using Runemate. I tried a bot for a few minutes but it didn't work so I was like 'Oh well, guess it's not for me'.
Then I could not log in anymore because apparently I was still logged in, so I changed my password...
Scam Report Filed Against: HeheheheCx
Thread URL on RuneMate Forums:
OSRS - Selling this amazing main! | CB 112/1480+ Total | Bunch of Quests done + Untradeables
Supporting Evidence:
first time i have ever bought an account before he seemed trust worthy linked me to a gold site to...
seriously guys? why can't you just sell Botting scripts, What's the point in injecting your software with malicious software like RATS, Keyloggers and Password Stealers?
I was just about to spend a few quid on some scripts from you guys but I am very hesitant now after finding...
When i use Regal agi bot it says it cannot find rs, and takes 5cent credit every time it shows that (every time i check if it works) so it takes a lot of my credits and dont work? i feel a bit scammed here
I used my 200 free hours, then payed for more.
As you can see I'm a supporter, but it's been some days
since I payed and it still hasn't come through. I'm aware
some banks aren't open on weekends, but it's now
Monday and I am still not able to use any hours. any help?
Hey guys, i need help. Im not sure about this mail is a scam or real, it looks very real.
The link about my evidence, is that fake or real? btw it was not in the junk folder.
So i tried to log back in on my oldschool runescape account, to do the 3 year event thing. However i had a authenticator on my account enabled. Odd, pretty sure i turned that off, oh well. So i disabled the authenticator and tried to log in.
"Your account is already logged in" Meh, probably...
-first. @mods, move this to the most visible place on runemate.
I recently sold 50m OSRS gp to use @Marcus111 (worth of 70$). He sent me money as a gift, and since i am new to PaypPal, i didn't know such scamms exist. Until i read about it, but it was too late. He "sent" money as a gift, as i...