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This bot gives the fastest woodcutting exp in the game by a large margin. Up to 220k xp/hr can be reached.

How to use
  • Start on fossil island
  • You must have grown teaks in the hardwood farm patch (35+ farming required)
  • Must have 35+ woodcutting to chop teaks
  • Must have the required materials + skills for the selected tick manipulation method (select in UI)
  • Must have stamina potions
  • Must have built the fossil island bank to use the banking feature

  • Essentially tick-perfect for the maximum exp rates!
  • Drinks stamina potions to always be running
  • Recharges your infernal axe using dragon axes
  • Banks to get more stamina potions
General Features
  • Customizable Break Handler
  • Customizable AFK handler
  • Automatic stopping after reaching an objective
  • Informative and Easy to use UI
Proggies from an insane botter using this bot for 43 hours straight!

First release
Last update
4.39 star(s) 36 ratings

More resources from dahnae

Latest updates

  1. Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter v1.1.7 Released!

    Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter updated to v1.1.7.
  2. Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter v1.1.6 Released!

    Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter updated to v1.1.6.
  3. Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter v1.1.5 Released!

    Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter updated to v1.1.5.

Latest reviews

I've ran this bot on many accounts since my last rating over 18 months ago. Personally had no issues whatsoever with it, and it's my go-to Woodcutting bot considering it's the fastest xp/h that's on offer.

Intuitive UI design, easy to setup, supports Axe recharging, what's not to love? Easy 5/5.
Bot has been working fine, however on occasion it stops chopping and tries to go bank after which it empties the inventory and just stands there. I checked the logs and for some reason it triggers the following: [Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter] [BankTriggerTask] Could not find a valid axe
This behavior is sporadic, so it's hard to pinpoint what triggers it (sometimes it runs fine for 10+ hours, other times it banks after half an hour of running the bot).
Besides that also notice it has some issues when the bot gets hit with the nerd log after 6 hours. Most of the times it manages to log back in, but sometimes it just stops.
Seems to only work when you select the energy restoration method to stamina pots. If you select forester rations the bot will just stand at the bank and not withdraw anything or move. It would be great if the dev could look into this.
Works fine for 20 minutes then all of a sudden goes to the bank, deposits everything, and stands there forever. Using forester rations so no need to bank for anything. Broken bot.
Mine starts with banking and collecting items and then just standing in bank doing nothing. Please help? :)
It works well enough but looks very bot like, running between these two west-most trees repeatedly. I'm no expert, but it would be great if something could be done to make it look more natural.
The "most natural" way of doing it is doing it like real players do and this is it. If you watch video guides about this method, you'll see what I mean.
When it works it's great but just used the trial and had to pause it every 20-30 seconds as my char get's stuck in a loop of clicking madly between the 2 trees furthest west, without cutting any logs at all. Looks super bot-like when that happens so glad I didn't leave it alone
Awesome bot, works really well
Dan is the man! Was getting upwards of 233k exp per hour and that was not even with an amazing connection! Thank you for pet and 99 wcing!
Great stuff, however it really needs to have the option to use the shortcut when banking for pots. It would save so much time and stamina.