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Tick perfect Bandos, Saradomin and Zamorak!

Kills God Wars bosses using various tick-perfect patterns to mitigate damage from the boss.

  1. Ranged or Magic only
    • 4-tick or 5-tick weapons (BOWFA, Crossbows, Shadow etc)
  2. Perfect prayer flicking
  3. Smart inventory management
  4. Finds a free world for kill-count and before entering the boss room
  5. Supports private/ironman instances
  6. Supports Ghommal's hilt 3+
  7. High alchemy
  8. Blood spells vs minions

  • This bot requires very precise timing to execute correctly:
    • Good quality world (use Tick Tracker RL plugin)
    • Reasonable ping
    • Reasonable computer
    • May not be suitable for lower-end systems!
  • Decent Ranged/Magic levels (70+)
  • Decent Defence level (60+)
  • Access to god items

Recommended setups:
(if you aren't able to see images, visit this link)


  • Style: BOWFA (4-speed/rapid)
  • Zamorak item
  • Bandos item
  • Regular spell book
  • Blowpipe spec minions
  • Prefer B2P spell instead of tabs


  • Style: BOWFA (4-speed/rapid)
  • Saradomin item
  • Zamorak item
  • Regular spell book
  • Blowpipe spec minions
  • Prefer B2P spell instead of tabs


  • Style: Chinchompas
  • Armadyl item
  • Regular spell book
  • Blowpipe spec minions
  • Bring crossbow for when melee minion dies
  • Prefer B2P spell instead of tabs

  • See Bandos layout with the following changes:
    • No hammer
    • No B2P (doesn't drop bones)
    • 1 Antipoison
    • Bring more food and less boost potions

First release
Last update
3.54 star(s) 189 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. God Wars Mate v3.1.12 Released!

    God Wars Mate updated to v3.1.12.
  2. God Wars Mate v3.1.11 Released!

    God Wars Mate updated to v3.1.11.
  3. God Wars Mate v3.1.10 Released!

    God Wars Mate updated to v3.1.10. * Fixed a bug that cause the bot not to escape when out of...

Latest reviews

Works great if you have great ping. Guessing people don't know how to set it up or have bad connection. Used for zammy and bandos so far works great.
Ran okay for weeks but now it doesn't. Have waisted some money trying to get it to run. Gave the bot developer a few days to respond to a private message for clarity on how to operate the bot or if an update was coming. Never responded.
dont use this bot not working for me keeps teleporting to ferox if he gets to gwd gets one kc and stands there terrible
Still often gets stuck after killing the boss once, It does the first kill pretty well but then gets hung up on the altar or switching equipment and will tank a death, I would not reccomend the payed version because you'll have to get kc all over again and waste a portion of your hour.
Only been using Zammy.
My settings are to POH - Ferox for both banking and restoring.
I use a teletab to POH and to Trollheim.
I wear an unholy symbol as my God Item.

I am getting 22 kills per hour. The bot is working on its own. It teleports to Trollheim, enters the GWD, enters the Zammy area, and kills imps for kc.

It will kill K'ril until food runs out and then uses the POH tab.
The POH must be INSIDE your house. IT WILL NOT enter your house and will get stuck outside the house portal.

I am doing this on an ironman with a bowfa, crystal armor, a fury, mixhide boots and cape, and an archers ring. I have the blowpipe for healing.
1 stamina, 1, restore, 1 antidote++, and 2 ranging potions.

Works perfectly fine. Resets logout timer before entering as well.
sara planking today, dont want to waste money on checking others, would kite, and not attack, works beautifully when it does tho
Bandos & sara works perfect, zammy kills 1-2 kils and leaves rome and getting the KC for zammy is to slow... ?? Armadyl dont works / chins not works/shield option not works/... it just keep ranging the melee minon ..... :(
Been good for me today, although am error cost me 40c so hoping to get this refunded if possible
Failed every GWD boss. K'ril - Won't even attempt, just teleports out immediately. Graardor - only attacks once per cycle, even with recommended setup. Zilyana - After a couple loops around, sits in corner until death.
Zammy not working at all atm. Gets kc, walks in the room and instant teleports out. Every time