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You MUST carry Nature runes and Law runes
The bot will ONLY teleport to Camelot
The bot will ONLY cast High Alchemy on the item you give it
The bot will stop when you have no Law runes or Nature runes
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First release
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4.33 star(s) 15 ratings

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  1. Hexis Tele-Alch v3.1.22 Released!

    Hexis Tele-Alch updated to v3.1.22.
  2. Hexis Tele-Alch v3.1.21 Released!

    Hexis Tele-Alch updated to v3.1.21.
  3. Hexis Tele-Alch v3.1.20 Released!

    Hexis Tele-Alch updated to v3.1.20.

Latest reviews

neeed help it keeps sayin unable to alch but i used it yesterday with no problems... just wasted 10c as well.
This set of resources for a bot is only seen is some of the top priced bots on the market. Breaks, goals, loot tracking and even profit margin estimates, this bot has absolutely everything you need for this specific training method. 6/5 stars.
It closes the mage spellbook ui and then the bot has to reopen it again. Its very sus where it can be done without closing or reopening any spellbook ui or inventory ui and slowing things drastically getting 90k exp/hr instead of 120k+/hr
Amazing script, ran for 24 hours straight no breaks, no issues apart from it standing there once ive alched all my items, just be aware.
Great bot. Got 99 mage & had it running for several hours no issues
Flawless as usual, got me bursting after 1 day of use
Great script, gives me a ratio of about 900 alches for every 1000 teleports and about 140k xp/h.
Runs great. but must be started with magic book open and inventory correctly set up. :)
It's 140 k xp per hour, but if you use it for 5 + hours it's a 2-day ban. I've tested it. As others mentioned, it equips bolts if you try to use them.

I think it needs to have small built in breaks perhaps, it's like it's so efficient they detect it right away, although, it could also be player reports from people noticing you stood there for a long time.

Although, I did the same method with an auto clicker, and got less xp, but no bans. So I'm pretty sure it's down to how efficient the script is, not sure if you could fix it.

I wouldn't run this for more than an hour or so, sorry for the bad review, I just have to be honest.
Don't use bolts or arrows as it often equips them. Use noted Magic Longbows. XP is insane 140k hr thanks for the amazing script! :)