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  1. swych

    Hexis Account Builder 2.2.21

    Auto RuneScape Tell the bot what you want to do and it will do it. Auto RuneScape is the first account-builder bot on RuneMate which aims to create accounts for any setup you give it. State of skills Completed * Agility * Cooking * Crafting * Fishing * Fletching * Herblore * Mining * Smithing...
  2. aidden

    MaxiOrbs 1.6.6

    MaxiBots - Home MaxiBots Discord Server - Join the MaxiBots Discord Server! Make up to 300k profit and 40k magic xp per hour, it's almost too easy! Features Charges Air orbs, Earth orbs, Water orbs and Fire orbs! Drinks your choice of energy restoration potion if you're below the threshold to...
  3. N

    OSRS Sapling Humidify $$$

    It is strange that no one has hopped on this before Requesting a bot that has a seed type input, grabs needed items from the ge bank steam battlestaff astral runes gardening trowel filled plant pot and *seeds* click pot next to seed and then clicks seed till each filled plant pot is filled with...
  4. herman pulliam

    OSRS Tithe Farm Bot

    Would really really like a Tithe farm bot. Willing to pay.
  5. K

    OSRS Starting a bot farm/writing scripts.

    Hello, I am looking into starting a bot farm and possibly writing my own scripts Is there anything that is absolutely essential that i must know/do to be successful or just reduce risk? There appears to be many different methods to doing a bot farm but what are the essentials? Thanks K.BICH
  6. shokatt

    RS3 Muspah/nihil/abyssal demon bot

    Does alpha slayer/alpha fighter pro work, to farm them for 12h+/day?
  7. compkiller12

    OSRS Farm Run Bot

    Game Mode: OSRS Summary: Start out in any bank and be able to teleport and run to the selected allotments with the specific seeds (selected in user interface), and have the choice to compost, plant seeds, plant trees, harvest etc. (note harvested items). Once completed with all stops that were...
  8. J

    Question Runemate, Multiple Clients, Multiple Proxies

    Hi there, I want to start off by saying that I know that proxies must be run through third party software or with the whole "-Dhttp" file edit. I get that. But if there is only one file, you can only run one IP address in the client. I want to know how I can run multiple gold farming clients...
  9. fake7

    i need some help with Dedicated Servers!

    So , i've been thinking on starting some really serious Gold Farm. And, to do that, i would need: either a Dedicated server, or some Hardware. so, i've decided to take the Dedicated server, and got two questions: 1° What server should i take? (see image below) 2° Should i need to upgrade...
  10. F

    RS3 Looking for a Private Script for Livid Farm. Paying $$$

    Hey, im looking out for a private script for Livid Farm. Anyone else?