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  1. L

    KOR Hueycoatl 1.0.0

    Scales aren't strong with this one.
  2. chall

    Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA 0.9.76

    Recursive Hunter Rumours - The Ultimate OSRS Hunter Bot The wait is over - our completely rewritten Hunter Rumours bot is now live! Join our thriving community: Discord Server Your Personal Hunting Assistant Designed to support all Guild Hunters, with extensive customization options to match...
  3. smurfbots

    Smurfs Black Chins 1.2.14

    Catch Chompas, Log from pkers. EZ. Start at ferox with box traps in your inventory (+ seedpod if you have one) and a ring of dueling equipped. Make sure you have plenty spare traps and dueling rings in your bank
  4. L

    KOR Maniacal Monkey Hunter 1.1.0

    Ooh ooh aah aah Requirements: - Have a Kruk monkey greegree in your bank - Have plenty of Bones to bananas tabs in your bank - Have some bananas in your bank for the beginning
  5. dahnae

    Dan Drift Net Fisher 1.0.14

    Fully automated drift net fishing on the fossil island underwater region. This bot is the best xp/hr when you need both fishing and hunter exp. If you have questions/requests, you can join my discord Requirements : Bone Voyage quest for access to the fossil island Flippers, Fishbowl helmet...
  6. michael5555

    Mikes Molch Aerial Fisher 1.1.2

    Setup Start on the island. It'll grab a knife, bird and bait if you do not have them. Settings Smart gutting - Will shift drop fish if we have enough fish chunks (playersensed number). Useful if you want to buy fish chunks from GE and shift drop the entirety of your session Stop on player -...
  7. chieftain

    Chief Bird Houses 2.0.0

    Does the bird house hunting method, for hunting and crafting experience, as well as profit. The bot, will also search, crush and bank bird nests, it obtains. Pre-requisites: Bone Voyage Quest All necessary Mushroom teleport locations are unlocked. You have built the Fossil Island bank chest...
  8. A

    OSRS Bird House

    Game Mode: Osrs Link to wiki: Bird house Summary: Teleport to fossil island via digsite pendant. Use the magic mushrooms to get to the 4 birdhouse spots. Check the traps, remake and reset, finish 4, logg off for an hour and repeat. Bank when out of logs / filled with nests. Required stats...
  9. W

    OSRS Impling collector (puro puro)

    Does it exist for impling hunting or can someone create one? pays of course!
  10. ironmanman

    How to "safe" bot?

    Hello I've been playing an ironman and got 99 fishing legit but hunter is burning me out faster than fishing did. I've decided to bot hunter on it and I only bot 1-2 hours at a time and always take hour+ long breaks before botting again. During these breaks I'm logged out. I've decided to only...
  11. mark milkon

    OSRS Birdhouse Bot?

    Willing to pay for a bot that logs in and does OSRS birdhouse runs every hour or so. Anyone know of any or know of anyone working on one?
  12. Y

    Super slow hunter bots

    Hi there fellow bots I just came back after taking a break for a year. Wanted to go and bot me some chins to make some money. But they are SOOOOOOO slow? Is there a way I can fix this? I tried the following bots; Regal Hunter Prime hunter Math hunteris ApexHunter (beta) and they were all...
  13. Z

    Ironman Puro Puro Bot

    Puro Puro is one of the best ways outside of Wintertodt for ironman to gather resources efficiently. I think it would be interesting if someone either made a bot on VisualRM that could be a public script with some limitations / babysitting the bot, or a new bot by itself. Attached is a photo of...
  14. H

    Gold farming advices

    Hi. I'm new . I really wanna ask u guys something. I'm thinking about starting my own bot farm . I was planning to create 3 accs and use a hunter and a blast furnance scrip, it would be 5 hrs hunter and 5hrs blast furnance and an extra hr to train melee. I'm gonna use 1 PC per account and a VPN...
  15. compkiller12

    Ironman Hunter - Herbiboar Tracking

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: Herbiboar Summary: a bot that will hunt herbiboars on fossil island and bank herbs. It can bank on fossil island. It will switch to magic scepters for farm bonus before looting. Required stats: 80 hunter & 31 herblore Required quests: Bone Voyage Required items...
  16. S

    RS3 RS3 hunter bot (chinchompas, birds, pawyas)

    hey there, i would like to see a good running bot script for rs3 hunting. so far i could not find anny bots which are for rs3 and that is a shame. so this is a request to the scripters out there ! :) if you need anny suggestions: maybe start with just a red chin bot, start around area (x)...
  17. the god hand

    OSRS 3 Tick Hunter Bot

    I'd love to see a Hunter bot that uses tick manipulation for hunting chinchompas. Incredibly better xp rates, as well as gp rates. Would it be possible? Too click intensive for a script?
  18. R

    RS3 Grenwalls using Crystallise

    Game Mode: RS3 Grenwalls using Crystallise Summary: Start out in the Gorajo resource dungeon in Prifddinas or just South of elf camp, hunt Grenwalls using Crystallise(light form), supports any prayer potion/bonecrusher + demon horn , herbicide (or just drop the herbs/bones) Required stats: 77+...
  19. roboter

    Question Destroying treasurehunter keytokens

    After 2 hours of skilling i haven't recieved a single keytoken so i'll try my luck here Does anyone know the interfaces which are needed to destroy a keytoken (when the keylimit of 10 is reached)? Would appreciate your help! thanks @juliusa for the help, thread can be closed
  20. H

    Best Runemate Money Making Bot

    There's alot of bots on Runemate, but which one will make a player the most money per hour? Let's also take into account the ban rates for certain skills. ( Hunter seems to get players banned quite often) If you have an experience with a certain skill that you bot with runemate that makes you...