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  1. theokaygatsby

    Gatsby Skilling Activities 0.2.6

    Tasks that require a bank are denoted with an underline and will require you to start near a bank or otherwise specified location. Agility - Seers: Bot will run laps around Seers rooftop. Start in Seer's village or on the course, and bring teleport runes if you have the hard diary done...
  2. dark sage

    Misfits Iron Con 1.1.6

    Iron man oriented chop, plank, and con Supports : Oak Larders, Tables, Doors, Chairs Tele to house: Spells or tabs Return to Sawmill : Ring of the elements Varrock spell/tab/nexus/portal Will Chop Oaks near the Varrock Sawmill Converts logs to planks Teleports to House builds Selection
  3. theokaygatsby

    Gatsby Woodcutting Guild Plank Maker 1.0.6

    Chops oak trees and turns them into planks at the woodcutting guild. Start in the Woodcutting Guild with: * coins in your inventory * an axe equipped or in inventory * optionally wearing graceful/lumberjack outfit pieces
  4. L

    Noble Prif Teak Planker 1.0.8

    Start at priffdinas bank closest to teaks with axe equipped.
  5. michael5555

    Mikes Mage Bankstander 1.5.7

    Setup Start the bot with the required runes or runes in rune pouch. Start at any bank with the supplies ready Features Support for every single bank standing spell in the game. If I am missing one feel free to shoot me a message and I'll add support for it Supports rune pouch, all staves...
  6. michael5555

    Mikes Construction 1.2.91

    Setup Fill up your moneybag if you have it, otherwise ensure you have money in inventory Ensure you have saw + hammer or gardening cans if using bagged plants. Bagged plants require a house in rimmington Ensure you have planks in your bank (butler fetch from bank mode) or noted planks in...
  7. M

    OSRS Plank looter wildy

    Hey guys! I really need a bot, that starts in LMS and collects planks from the graveyard. For more detaild information DM me Please.
  8. M

    OSRS Plank maker

    Using Demon Butler Have Oak logs in inventory Send butler w/ logs to mill TP w/ Duel ring to Castle Wars or Camelot in PvP world Withdraw more logs TP back to House Give more logs to butler etc Using Balloon Transport: Start at castlewars withdraw Logs + 1 willow use Balloon Transport to...
  9. dylan turner

    RS3 Special teak log Plank Maker

    I am ironman and am cutting teaks and am collecting a lot of special teak logs and is worth my time turning them to planks but is taking along time manually was wondering if someone could make a script that makes planks in taverly bbut uses the dialogue to use the special logs for free planks...