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The All-In-One Magic Training Bot

Supports all rune and staff combinations, and almost all spells (see below)! Rune pouch support has returned!

Premium Version Features:
- Full-featured skill & item-profit tracker
- Fully customizable break-handler
- Custom task system allowing unlimited spell-tasks (rules mentioned below)

Standard Book:
- Level 1-7 Jewellery Enchanting (all possible jewellery supported)
- Enchanting crossbow bolts (all types supported)
- Teleporting (all teleports supported, except Ape Atoll)
- Elemental combat spells supported (all strike, bolt, blast, wave, surge are supported)
- Combat-lowering spells (all are supported, i.e. curse, weaken, confuse, stun, enfeeble, etc.)
- Bind spells (bind, snare, entangle, etc.)
- Superheating (all bars supported)
- Alchemy (High and Low both supported)
- Stun-alching, tele-alching and other various spell/alch combinations (applicable to all stat-lowering, bind, and teleport spells)
- Auto-cast, manual-cast and AFK splashing supported

Lunar Book:
- AFK Plank-making (all planks supported)
- Manual/Active plank-making (all planks supported)
- Super-glass make (all item combinations supported)
- Humidify (all humidify items supported)
- Tan-leather (all dragonhides supported)
- String jewellery (all possible jewellery supported)
- Bake Pie (all pies supported)
- Hunter kit
- Spin flax
- Recharge dragonstone

Ancient Book:
All spells supported
- Auto-cast, manual cast and AFK splashing supported

Arceuus Book:
Most teleports supported

Free/Lite Version Features:

Standard Book Features:
- Combat spells: Wind Strike
- Stat lowering spells: Confuse, Curse
- Jewellery enchanting: Level 2 (emerald only)
- Crossbow Bolt enchanting: Jade, Opal
- Superheat: Bronze bar, Iron bar
- Teleports: Varrock, Camelot
- Alchemy: High & Low Level

Lunar Book Features:
- String Jewellery: gold amulets only
- Spin flax

A few suggestions for optimal performance (these are not required):
  • Set OSRS hotkeys to default
  • Turn off force-menu interaction in the client
  • Start with all necessary runes in pack for the first task. If using NPC tasks only, start with all necessary runes in pack for ALL tasks
  • Disable tab collapsing in your OSRS view settings.
  • If using cast/alch combinations, for better exp/hr:
    • Adjust your spellbook filter to to only show the relevant spells for your casting (or as little spells as possible)
    • Adjust your zoom to be similar to this: Imgur
"How do I use this bot?"
This should be relatively easy to setup. You can create & add tasks of spells that you would like to cast. If you do not know how to cast these spells yourself, or have not looked at a guide to leveling using the spell you may have selected, then please look up a guide (for instance, you need at least -65 magic attack when splashing).

When creating a task, select the desired spellbook and spell. If applicable, specify the necessary target(s) and playstyles in the offered fields. There are two stopping options offered for each task, located at the bottom of the setup area ("stopping amount" and "stopping level"). Tasks will automatically run until you are out of the provided runes and/or items. If you would like the bot to stop a specific task without using all of your supplies, specify the level and/or number of casts you would like to run for the task. Whichever stopping point is hit first will trigger the task to stop. (i.e., if you set a task to cast 10,000 times or stop at level 38, and you hit level 38 before the 10,000 casts have been activated, the task will technically still have been completed).

After filling out all of the required fields, use the "Add Task" button to add it into your task queue. If one or more fields are missing, or a task is unavailable to you, the bot will reject your request and notify you of what needs to be changed. NOTE: Not all tasks can follow after eachother. Please scroll for more information on that.

Once all of your desired tasks are added, press the start button on the UI. If at any point the bot runs out of tasks or doesn't know of any remaining tasks, it will give you up to 60 seconds to add one (pausing the bot will extend this time to up to 3 minutes). If no task is added after 60 seconds, the bot will end. The idea is to load tasks before starting the bot, and to load/create additional (or corrected) tasks while the bot is running.

NOTE: When talking about combat-splashing, the 'Mimic AFK Splash' function is meant to be used when you are fighting a non-trapped NPC that is retaliating against you. If you are intending to do that, turn the "Mimic AFK Splash" option ON. If you would like to splash against a caged or trapped NPC, OR would like to use spells to actually kill an NPC(s), then leave 'Mimic AFK Splash' OFF. Also due to RS updates, splashing will no longer work near Lumbridge Castle. Please keep that in mind.

"How many tasks can I create? What order can tasks go in?"
- PRO users are allowed to create as many tasks as they want.
- LITE users are limited to one task per run.

Rules for tasking:

  • All tasks must be on the same spellbook. They cannot be across multiple books.
  • NPC casting tasks cannot follow banking tasks. (temporarily)
  • NPC casting tasks cannot follow any teleporting tasks. (temporarily)
Bug reports are always appreciated. I'd love to make this bot as functional and efficient as possible. If you run into an issue, the best way to report it is by following the guide below:
  • To report a bug (this should be done for each encountered):
    • Upload a copy of:
      • RuneMate (Spectre) logs
      • Bot logs matching the specific instance(s) where you have encountered the bug (i.e. Divine-###-DDMMYY)
      If RuneMate will not let you upload as .log files, save them as .txt files before uploading; or upload them to pastebin.
      • Logs can be found in the RuneMate client by selecting Help -> View Logs.
      • They can also be found at:
        • Windows: C://Users/User/RuneMate/logs
        • macOS: /Volumes/Users/User/RuneMate/logs
    • Please describe the problem as best as you can.
Refunds are offered if the bot didn't perform as promised (i.e., if there is a bot crash, the bot gets stuck for extended periods) or you ran into early-execution issues (unexpected client issues that have otherwise not been reported). In order to request one, please follow the guide below. (Note: Refunds caused by user error (i.e. you not reading the overview, or not understanding the activity prior to setting up the bot) will likely not be refunded).
  • To request a refund:
    • Please direct-message me, or post on the support thread, with all of the following:
      • All items listed in the bug-report section below.
      • Wallet screenshots (with your username & session transactions showing) to verify that you paid for the session(s) mentioned.








First release
Last update
4.02 star(s) 171 ratings

More resources from serene

Latest updates

  1. Divine Magics v3.1.5 Released!

    Adjusted NPC handling to account for NPCs that the bot doesn't *choose* to attack Various QOL...
  2. Divine Magics v3.1.4 Released!

    Fixed an issue encountered when casting to NPCs Added a bug report button for when facing issues
  3. Divine Magics v3.1.3 Released!

    Various QOL improvements

Latest reviews

Works well for plank making, but it clicks the identical spots every time with zero variation. Not a fan, easy to detect.
for some reason I setup the tasks for splashing to move onto the next spell at each level but it doesn't change the spell just continues using the previous one
doesnt support lovakite bars
I mean, its ok, does what it says on the box but when it talks about combinations for Supermake Glass, it does it on the most inefficient way for XP/hour as 3 giant seaweed with loss of what falls on the ground is faster than just getting 2 loads at a time.

Also, on start up it gets enough sand but only grabbed one Giant Seaweed, might have just been this one instance but the fact its not getting as much inventory it can for max XP and may just throw off the math I am running for 99 by who knows how much with the drop in XP a run. Like, I need to get another half of what I have of Astrals for it.
Used it for Enchanting Bolts. It's good, but it doesn't do 1-tick, which is a shame. I don't see myself using this for this purpose again.
Wouldn't recommend this for making glass on lunars. very choppy with giant seaweed
when using superheat, once it makes a bar it will cast superheat again on the bar it just made, and then gets the next ore in your inv, does this all the way through the inventory, pretty frustrating
Clicks too early when waiting for hunter kit spell animation to play out. looks odd
i like it but the problem is two things when it casts teleport it moves the mouse
up down left and right each time it clicks the teleport button which seems weird
it would probably be better if the mouse was in one place and when i do alchemy
it right clicks what im alching first seems like it could get you banned.
update: I set this bot up and it made 17k rings of recoil flawlessly I expected it to mess up or give me the same issues but naw it ran for 11 hours straight no issues I'm not sure why I had issues last time via afk splashing it could have been user error ig? idk man I made 4m profit I'm not trippin