* Fully automated AIO Wilderness Slayer
* Advanced pker detection
* Almost all wildy slayer tasks supported including Artio, Spindel and Calvarion
* Cannon support with reclaiming if it is lost
* Bursting/barraging support with intelligent stacking and target selection to maximize xp
* Highly customizable
* Very fast slayer points
* Higher gp/h than normal slayer
* Off task mode - farm any wildy slayer npc while off task (Except bosses)
Setup Instructions:
Setup your loadouts and assign the correct loadout number to each task. If you are choosing to do artio/spindel/calv remember the loadouts for bears/spiders/skeletons need to be for the bosses and tick "Do boss".
Start at Ferox bank.
**Required Items in Bank**
Rings of dueling
**Suggested items**
Burning Amulets
Games Necklaces
Revenant cave teleports
Stamina/Super Energy pots (Required for spindel)
Charged glories
Looting bag
Please post any issues/suggestions in the relevant channels of my discord: Join the Smurf Bots Discord Server!
Edit: This should be sorted now