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  1. A

    Resolved reached maximum 200 hours

    it says I have reached my maximum amount of hours, but I haven't even used any of mine this month, and it says I also have 80 hours from last month also left over please help!
  2. L

    Bug Failed to bind to game client because of an AgentLoadException

    I've been trying to find other forum posts with this topic and I haven't been able to find any recently with any solutions so I wanted to give it one last try. So two days ago Runemate was working perfectly on my Mac and then as I was clearing space I deleted two js cache files that I think were...
  3. B

    Bug HotspotVM not loaded?

    Whenever i try to open any bot i get the message: Unable to open socket file: HotspotVM not loaded. I'm running runemate on a mac cliënt, does anyone have any idea what i have to do to solve this problem?
  4. G

    Bug Does RuneMate work on Linux?

    So far I've tried: Running both RSU and RuneMate with OpenJDK x86, OpenJDK x64, Oracle JRE x86, Oracle JRE x64, the X64 JRE that is packaged with the RuneMate linux install script With both binaries as root and a non-root user. I have tried using both i3 and XFCE also. None of this has...
  5. J

    Tutorial Run OSRS/RS3 in 32-bit mode WITHOUT uninstalling Java

    Okay so before we start, I'd like to point out my Java setup. I currently have both 64 bit JDK and JRE, and 32bit JRE. However, I'm 99% sure you will only need 32bit JRE to run RS. This tutorial is aimed at those who have 64-bit Java, want to bot, but not uninstall their current Java versions...
  6. W

    RS3 Legacy client stops when fetching updates at 1% (9), any guesses?

    help a brother out UPDATE: It is now at 4% of (9). and stuck
  7. M

    Bug Client display's taskbar icon but doesn't load then exits

    I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS and the icon loads on the taskbar but the Runemate application never starts. It tries for about 8-10 seconds then it exits the application. Has any1 had this problem? One of the staff members asked if it creates any logs, I don't see any logs created in the...
  8. C

    Resolved Botting hours tracking bug?

    I've looked through several of the other bot hour tracking reports, and checked against the responses given in those, and I think this case is different. I somehow have runemate.com/services/stats showing I botted 62 hours yesterday (2/1-2/2) when I max bot on 2 accounts, and I know I didnt...
  9. S

    Resolved Client Won't Log in, Cloud Constants

    Computer Specifications: Mac OS 10.12.1 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 12 GB RAM Intel HD Graphics 1.5GB Problem: Trying to log in the client from another place, and it keeps sending me client verification on my email, even when i open it, it still send another when I go back to the client. Tried to...
  10. G

    Bug Bug in the client software..

    Whenever a bot fails to bind to the game client or stops abruptly, the runemate client does not update the number of running instances. This means that if two bot instances crash, I cannot create another instance for some time, until the server updates as the client does not store this...
  11. dyssyra

    Bug + Start instance, nothing happen

    Java Version 8, Update 91 Problem I had the problem "Failed to bind game client because of AgentInitialaztionException" and to fix that issue I ran Runemate and Runescape as admin (I couldn't start RS3 Client through RuneMate since I can't run as admin). The problem I now face is a fast loading...
  12. aaronstrack

    Resolved Game keeps logging out

    I've noticed that every time i use a bot and go aft to watch a movie or something but come back 10 minutes later , my runescape game has logged out to the login screen, essentially i might as well train manually haha is there anything I'm missing that keeps the game logged in while using the client?