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  1. based

    Based Wintertodt 1.0.0

    Handles the Wintertodt minigame to perfection. Automatically withdraws the right items for you. Supports group content. All food types supported, including things like Cake (2/3, slice), Pizza (Full, Half) etc. Custom eat behaviour: Define your own threshold or let the bot decide. Each number...
  2. iamthegosu

    PAW! Hueycoatl 1.0.5

    SOLO Hueycoatl Slayer / Autohandler V 1.0.5 Defeats the boss and does everything necessary, autonomously Discord group for reports and other cool stuff REQUIREMENTS Children of the Sun completed High combat stats (not less than 75, 80 is ok) 1-1.5 millions of gold Active bond Prayer 43...
  3. amorphous

    Frost-E Mixology 1.1.1

    Two main game modes: "Refine then mix" & "Mix" Refine-then-mix specific features: - The bot will use all available clean herbs / (unf) potions in your bank and convert them to pastes - You can choose the ingredient categories: use both, only herbs, or only unfinished pots - Choose which paste...
  4. theokaygatsby

    Achievement Diary Natures 0.0.7

    Crafts nature runes at the nature alter using diary cape teleports Requirements: Achievement Diary cape Recommended Equipment: GOTR Outfit / Graceful Desert amulet 4 Any air staff
  5. based

    Based Chaos Druids 1.2.6

    Kills Chaos Druids in Ardougne for great starting combat exp, decent profit and thousands of herbs. Instructions - Start the bot in the Ardougne bank, or near the Chaos Druid tower. - Have a lockpick in your inventory, or in your bank. Features - Supports herb sack - Supports any food type in...
  6. swatarinaess

    Cannonball Ventures [PAID] 2.0.1

    How to use: Start logged in at the bank. Have the lightest possible Armour Have Steel bars (noted) & (double) ammo-mould in the inventory. Supported Locations: Edgeville
  7. theokaygatsby

    Gatsby True Blood RC 1.7.4

    Requirements: 93 Agility Colossal pouch OR Medium + Large + Gaint pouch Completion of "Sins of the Father" Completion of "Lunar Diplomacy" if not using RC/Max cape A Fairy Ring & Stamina regenerating pool inside your PoH You have a blood talisman stored inside your hat of the eye (if not using...
  8. L

    KOR Herblore AIO (SALE) 2.0.0

    Features: - Cleans all herbs - Supports all potions - Supports all divine potions Requirements: - Make sure to have Direct input enabled in your Runemate settings - Make sure you have all base and secondary items in your bank - Start the bot near a bank
  9. J

    Prime Abyss Runecrafting SUPPORTER [Deleted]

    Jhinn submitted a new resource: Prime Abyss Runecrafting SUPPORTER - Make Runecrafting great again! Read more about this resource...
  10. dahnae

    Dan Giant Foundry 1.1.17

    This bot will complete the Giant's Foundry minigame (wiki) for great smithing EXP, profits and unique items. As a newly introduced activity, could it have a lower banrate than other smithing activities? How to use Start in the Giant's Foundry with enough materials Make sure the camera is...
  11. eynak

    OSRS Selling OSRS Accounts | Maxed Pures | Beast Irons | Maxed Tanks | Maxed Meds | & MORE! [Crypto/GP]

    Discord: Kanye#2577 Always request a confirmation PM! ⭐️Why buy from me?⭐️ ⭐️ HUGE Rep on other websites ⭐️ $50K+ dealt with via MMing/account sales/training/etc ⭐️ Trusted with over $2500+ (on multiple occasions) in one sitting with no MM & user going first ⭐️ Tons of account sales with ZERO...
  12. S

    OSRS LF Private Merch/Flip Bot

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: Stonky Summary: LF High Volume/Low Cost flipping/merchanting Bot Required stats: None Required quests: None Required items: Stonks Other notes:
  13. dahnae

    Dan Blast Furnace

    dahnae submitted a new resource: Dan Blast Furnace TRIAL - Blasts the furnace Read more about this resource...
  14. H

    OSRS Selling Private bot - Tanning (ranging guild)

    Script name: Tanning (Range guild) Runescape version : Old school runescape Approx gp/hour: 400-500k Approx running time: Tested for 4 hours staight without a bug Price: Name your price in the comments Hello runemater's. I have been a long member of this community for years back. But i decided...
  15. R


    looking for a bot that cant kill green dragons and collect the loot based on value. bot needs to have basic combat settings (eating,prayer,ect) bot also needs to be able to recognize when it enters pvp situations and have the ability to flee the wilderness to a level where it is possible to...
  16. J

    Prime Barrows 2.25.10

    Prime Barrows is the most advanced Barrows bot on the market, boasting a number of features which will carry your account out of this world! Having issues, questions or want to leave feedback? Join the Prime Discord or create an issue on our Issue Tracker. This bot combines the intelligence...
  17. J

    OSRS Prime Giant Mole - Official Setup Guide

    Setting up Prime Giant Mole is relatively easy, and I will guide you through each step to make sure the bot works as you would expect. If you don't know what the Giant Mole is, or what the requirements are, please make yourself familiar before continuing with the setup. You can find more...
  18. J

    Prime Giant Mole [Deleted]

    RobinPC submitted a new resource: Prime Giant Mole - Holy Moley Read more about this resource...
  19. J

    Prime Woodcutting 1.4.4

    Prime Woodcutting Join the Prime Discord server if you need help. Supported locations Varrock West Tree, Oak Varrock East Tree, Oak, Yew Grand Exchange Tree, Yew Edgeville Tree, Yew Draynor Village Tree, Oak, Willow Lumbridge Tree, Oak Port Sarim Tree, Oak, Yew Port Sarim Jail...
  20. J

    Prime Woodcutting

    Jhinn submitted a new resource: Prime Woodcutting - Until they stop me, I will keep going. Read more about this resource...