QuickCrafter Pro
- Crafts all items, including Protein Hide
- Task Queuing
- Support for many different locations
- Automatically uses Portable Crafter/Forge anywhere
- Option to deploy your own Portable Crafter/Forge if none are available nearby
- Option to use and set Bank Presets (RS3)
- Support for Stamina and Energy/Super Energy Potions (OS)
- Advanced break handler, which generates different breaks for each user and persists them across runs
- Armour
- Battlestaves
- Gem cutting
- Glassblowing
- Jewellery
- Pottery
- Amulet Stringing
- Spinning
- Edgeville (OS & RS3)
- Al'Kharid (OS & RS3)
- Lumbridge Combat Academy (RS3)
- Falador (OS & RS3)
- Neitiznot (OS & RS3)
- Port Phasmatys (OS & RS3)
- Prifddinas (RS3)
- Burthorpe (RS3)
- Barbarian Village (OS & RS3)
- Crafting Guild (OS)
- Varrock East (RS3)
- Draynor Village (RS3)
- Burthorpe (RS3)
- Prifddinas (RS3)
- Barbarian Village (OS & RS3)
- Lumbridge Castle (OS & RS3)
- Seers' Village (OS & RS3)
- Crafting Guild (OS)