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  1. D

    Daz Normal Tab Maker 2.1.0

    Makes normal spell book tablets for some good money, and magic xp! What the bot does? Unotes clay at Phials, runs into your house and crafts spell tablets on the normal spell book. Requirements -> 1) House to be in Rimmingon 2) Plenty of clay 3) Plenty of runes 4) GP to unnote with phials...
  2. M

    Monkey Arceuus Library 0.4.2

    ⚠️This bot is in development. 0.4.0 has been stable in testing so far, but I expect more issues. There are known issues. See BUGS section below. ⚠️ New bot. In testing, and free until it works solidly. I would really appreciate it if you'd reach out to me (MonkeyWithKeyboard) on Discord and...
  3. K

    kStunAlch 0.0.2

    Gaining up to 190k xp/hr
  4. K

    Kiko Tele Alch 0.0.4

    A tele alching bot, supporting multiple teleport locations. Direct input supported. Note: only supports basic staffs (e.g. fire staff), it does not take other staffs into account.
  5. based

    Based NMZ 1.5.6

    Based NMZ Based NMZ is the perfect choice for anyone who wants value for money. Have a read through all the features and what each of them can offer you. Missing something? Feel free to reach out! Settings First time users will be presented with a default configuration that they can customize...
  6. theokaygatsby

    Gatsby Skilling Activities 0.6.2

    Tasks that require a bank are denoted with an underline and will require you to start near a bank or otherwise specified location. Agility - Prif: Bot will run laps around Prif rooftop. Start close to or on the course. - Rellekka: Bot will run laps around Rellekka rooftop. Start close to or on...
  7. aidden

    MaxiPyreLogs 1.0.8

    MaxiBots - Home MaxiBots Discord Server - Join the MaxiBots Discord Server! Makes Pyre logs for over 2m gp and 100k xp per hour with redwoods! Features Supports all logs Supports dose selection Up to 1m gp/hr with redwoods! MaxiBots features Activity system Configure as many activities...
  8. L

    Noble 1T Magic 2.1.3

    Start with runes and non-enchanted bolts in inventory, currently only supports enchant crossbow bolts.
  9. dark sage

    Misfits Charter Crafting 2.4.1

    Charter Crafting for Ironman and Ultimate Ironman Ironman/UIM oriented Must have gp and ur choice of superglass make spell method bot will not bank only supports Glassblowing will buy blowpipe when required Simple UI trackers Works at any charter where you can buy soda ash and sand Must start...
  10. michael5555

    Mage Training Arena 1.8.3

    Features All four rooms supported Dynamic telegrab room maze solver with smart corner navigation Alchemy room item solver Supports both high and low alchemy. Automatically uses low alchemy if < 55 magic Task system; B2P in one click Smart staff switching (prioritises combo staves) Combo rune...
  11. aidden

    MaxiAlcher 1.4.48

    MaxiBots - Home MaxiBots Discord Server - Join the MaxiBots Discord Server! Features Supports High Level Alchemy and Low Level Alchemy Supports Bryophyta's staff Supports Tome of fire Supports all staffs that replace fire runes Run it from anywhere in the game! MaxiBots features Activity...
  12. E

    OSRS Teleport Tab maker

    Currently I'm making "Teleport to house" tablets, which is a great way of training Magic with profit. There's one bot that bots making teleport tabs, but it's broken. You can put all the needed runes and noted soft clay in your inventory, Phials (in the general store next to the house portal)...
  13. faustis1337

    OSRS [SOLD] 41 Combat, 80 Magic & 10hp OSRS account [NO EMAIL SET]

    ------------------------------SOLD------------------------------ Selling account for 14,99$ or 30M OSRS. PM Or Discord: Faustinio#0717 DIRT CHEAP!!!
  14. makutu

    OSRS License for a Private Agility Bot

    Mak Agility AIO I have created an Agility bot capable of traversing every Rooftop course in OldSchool Runescape with high efficiency. This bot is capable of reaching up to 90% of the highest possible experience per hour on each course with ease. Mak Agility AIO is an exclusive bot, boasting...
  15. F

    OSRS Mage training arena bot

    I'm in search of a stable bot for mage training arena, anyone got any suggestions??
  16. N

    OSRS Sapling Humidify $$$

    It is strange that no one has hopped on this before Requesting a bot that has a seed type input, grabs needed items from the ge bank steam battlestaff astral runes gardening trowel filled plant pot and *seeds* click pot next to seed and then clicks seed till each filled plant pot is filled with...
  17. konnn

    99 Mage

    Just got 99 Magic, botted from 30-99! First 99, and I didn't have anyone to celebrate with so I went to the GE. Thank you Serene, for making Divine Magics. I've used it on other accounts as well and its always worked great!
  18. ryan96

    RS3 Superheating bot

    Platform: RuneScape 3 Requirements: I am looking for a quality custom bot, that would primarily focus on Superheating. I'm not looking for anything overly complex, simplicity is key here. I would be okay with the use of key-binds and bank presets to enhance speed and efficiency. Inputs...
  19. S

    OSRS Edgeville air orb script

    Speaking on behalf of the community, a stable air orber @ edgeville would be nice, especially since all the rest are outdated.
  20. T

    RS3 Bot Starter Pack 2 for $15 skillers

    (Limited Time Offer 2 for $15) I have 2 bots for sale. They are ready to make you money and Both have been member 1 time money all made from current levels I was able to make 12m without buying out of pocket. One account has 2m in inventory. My contact [email protected]